PSIT Pharmacy
S.No Name of Faculty Name of consultancy project Consulting/Sponsoring agency with contact details Year Revenue generated (amount in Rupees)
1 Dr. Pranay Wal Consultancy services required for performing animal toxicity studies Hemp street Medicare Pvt.  ltd 2021 1,20,000
2. Dr. Ashish Srivastava Collaboration for development of few small molecules against DPP-4 enzymes Qassim University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2021 1,00,000
3. Dr. Pranay Wal Scheme for Promoting Interest, Creativity, and Ethics among students (SPICES) AICTE 2021 1,00,000
4. Dr. Pranay Wal Consultancy services required for performing animal toxicity studies Hemp street Medicare Pvt.  ltd 2023 1,50,000
5. Dr. Pranay Wal Regarding services required for Development of Ayurvedic formulation Plus, Formulations 2020 80,000
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